Thursday, February 18, 2010

Maddox-2 Weeks

I can't believe that Maddox is already 2 weeks old. He is a really good baby so far. We had his 2 week Dr's appt. today and he weighed 8.1 and he is 20 inches long. He gained 2 pounds from when we left the hospital and grew 1 inch.

He looks just like his daddy.

They are constantly hugging and giving him kisses.
His cord finally fell off, so I got to give him his first bath. This was him the whole time. He only cried when he got out.

My two little helpers by my side. They love their little brother so much. We haven't had any jealousy yet. We are all adjusting very well and are happy to have baby Maddox in our family.


Dave'sWife@{thediaryofdaveswife} said...

he is sooo cute! and totally looks like his daddy! we sure miss you guys!

Kim said...

You are right- he totally looks like Dale! Sadie and Savanna are so adorable. They are like little mommies. How fun! The Meridian ward is not the same without you guys!

Marisa and Rob said...

Cute!!! The last picture reminds me of my little helper righ by my side :0) He does look like Dale, I think boys are so much more mellow than girls!!! Mason has been a very good baby too and I love it!!! I'm so glad our boys are close in age :0)

Skinners said...

He is really cute! I'm so glad things are going well! Little boys are so much fun!

mymusiccity-rue said...

you have a beautiful family..