Well, it has been a long time since I have posted anything. I know I need to be better at updating. Nothing to exciting has been going on here.........only the fact that life just keeps moving on. Here are some pictures of the girls. They are growing way to fast.

Savanna is almost 10 months old and is all over the place. She is a master at crawling and can pull herself up onto things and can now stand by herself. I can't believe how fast she has grown.
(She is 9 months in the picture.)

No, we don't leave the house like this. Everytime I turn around, Sadie is wearing something else. This is one of the combinations she came up with the other day. She gets so excited when she dressed herself. I have been telling her how big she is and she always tells me, "I know, I am 3."

Savanna playing with her favorite thing......the DVD player. She always takes the volume knob off and plays with it. Why is it that babies like to play with everything, but there toys.

Everytime I get the camera out, Savanna always starts to smile. She knows exactly what to do.

Sadie loves her baby sister.

4th of July pics.
Savanna just woke up.