This is a video of Sadie playing tee-ball. She picked out her outfit and her dad let her keep it on...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
My Two Favorite Little People
Children are getting so big. Sadie is going to be 4 in May and Savanna is going to be 18 months in April. I can honestly say that I am a little to excited for her to be in nursery. Can't wait! She is quite the charactor and developing quite the personality. Everytime I ask her a question, she always shakes her head. When I ask her if she is ready to eat she shakes it really hard. The child's favorite thing to do is eat. She is so funny to watch. She is starting to talk more and more each day. Here are some of the words she says now.
Ma ma
Da da
nack (snack) --She loves to eat.
bye bye
I'm sure there are more, just can't think of them right now.
Sadie is now in Sunbeams and is enjoying it. I substituted in her class a couple of weeks ago, and when I was teaching the lesson she tried to give it herself. She knows some of the primary songs and tries to sing the others she doesn't quite know yet. I'm surprised that she listens so well, I just wish that she listened that well at home- I know it will never happen. She already knows the first article of faith. She had to give a talk in primary a couple of weeks ago and wasn't even scared. Just about every sunday when we get home from church she teaches me and Dale a lesson, or her imaginary friends. She has an imaginary tiger that is green. Its kind of funny watching her come up with these things. She loves to take care of her sister.

Here, they are being little mommies.

I didn't hear a thing, who knows how long she has been like this.
Posted by Levesque Family at Thursday, February 26, 2009 2 comments