I know its already the middle of January, but I wanted to post about Christmas 2009 anyway. It has been alot of fun this past Christmas with the kids. They are both at the ages where they get excited about Christmas. This year I had there own little Christmas tree that they put all of there own ornaments on. It got changed around daily by them. They also liked to play with there nativity set. When I took down there tree after Christmas, Savanna kept telling me "no mom, no mom." She wasn't very happy with me and kept asking where it was. I forgot to take a picture of there well decorated tree.

Gotta love the hair.
On Christmas Eve Grandma wanted to tell the kids about the Christmas story and the true meaning of Christmas. Here they are all in there pjs ready for santa to come.
Singing Christmas songs. Sadie kind of took charge and started to lead the music.

This is like a dialy thing at our house. She is either a music leader or a teacher.
Overall this past Christmas was a good one. We look forward to 2010 and can't wait for our family to get a little bigger.