Sadie loves her baby sister so much. Sadie will play around Savanna all day while she just sits and watches her. Just about everyday when Savanna is napping, Sadie will keep telling me that it is time for her to wake up so she can play with her. I think she gets bored and wants somebody besides me to play with. Sadie acts like she is Savanna's mom sometimes. I will catch her changing her diaper while Savanna is just laying there stairing at her, (she never holds still for me). The other day Sadie had to push her in the umbrella stroller and she kept talking to Savanna in her baby voice.

Your girls are too cute!!! :)
Hey Tammy!!! This is Jamie, Trisha's sister!! I have your blog linked to mine and I have been meaning to comment for the longest time! Your girls are too dang CUTE!!! I LOVE the bows you make for them. Next time I'm in AZ (if you are not too busy) Trish and I need to get together with you so you can teach us how to make them!
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