Sadie was excited to start school today. When I woke up this morning she was already dressed. She was a little nervous once we got there and I have to admit I was little nervous too.
she was doing thses faces to keep herself from not crying.
It was a little hard for me to leave her like this. I have to admit I cried just a little bit. She was fine once we left and started to read the books on her table.
She had a fun day at school today though. She told me that she saw some of her friends that weren't in her class at recess and at lunch. Savanna didn't know what to do with herself without Sadie telling her what to do. It was a little quiet around our house without her here all day. We missed her when she was away at school. We will see how tomorrow goes. She already told me that she doesn't want to go tomorrow. Its going to take her a while to get use to it.