Maddox is EVERYWHERE!! He crawls everywhere and pulls himself up on everything he can. Hes been crawling really good since 6 months and has been pulling himself up at 7 months. I hope hes not an early walker.... I can already see him into everything 10 times worse then the girls ever were. His new thing is to pull himself up on the toy basket and pull out the toys.
Um... yeah...he still uses his swing. I know his feet are hanging out, but he still likes it. The swing still holds him...hes probably about to reach the weight capacity. Somedays its the only way he will take a nap.
His two bottom teeth have finally popped through...Yay a much happier baby. I've been blaming his crankiness the past couple of months on teething. Now what do I blame it on?
Maddox is going to have to teach his lazy friend Jackson how to crawl!!! He is getting so big!
He is SO CUTE!!!! I can't beleive he is already crawling! Mason just barely started army crawling!!! LOL!!! He is into everything now and man do I hate it! LOL!! He also loves to play with Amirra and of course she doesn't like it due to he wants her toys!!! :o) We need to get our boys together someday when we are both in Thatcher! :o)
Great photos!
He is so big and so cute! Mason still isn't crawling but rolling everywhere. I love the picture of him in the crib!
I never stop blaming crankiness on teething. Even though my almost 3 year old has all of her teeth now I still come back to "teething" when she is having off moments. ;) I can't believe how big Maddox is already! Growing up so fast.
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